WiFi in Schools – Introduction

Recently, I was asked to put together information on the dangers of wifi in schools and the possible effects on the children being exposed. This info was shared with the administration of an international  school here in Costa Rica as an introduction in hopes it would be considered before making decisions.

Wifi in Schools – The Facts

Presentation from Dr. Devra Davis

Parents Concerned About WiFi in MCPS

Safe Tech For Schools Maryland – 2016 archive



Academy for Radiation Protection and Environmental Medicine — Geovital provides detection and mitigation services, but they have current information. One of their recent posts.

International EMF Scientist Appeal — Read this and have a look around the site.

The BioInitiative 2012 Report — Recommended Radio Frequency radiation exposure levels of less than 10 μW/m². My wife’s classroom was pulsing around 250 and the Operations Manager’s office was closer to 5000, which are not sleeping areas, but you get the idea.

High tech birth/population control. Only one of the dark sides of this technology. Some scary shit.

Dr. Magda Havas, PhD — Very active in sharing  EMF awareness in regards to children and schools.

Dr. Barrie Trower — Whistle blower, microwave specialist that used to work for MI5. Some of his videos are very interesting.

Of course the exposure levels and duration are key factors. How many hours a day are children exposed to wifi in school? How many have wifi in their homes? How many have iPads and cell phones? How many have cordless phones? You get the idea. Wireless is convenient, yes, but it can be toxic. Not everyone will feel discomfort or agitation, but EVERYONE is being affected.

Limiting wifi/RF radiation exposure could be an excellent way to be ahead of the curve, promote the school and most important, provide a safe, non-toxic learning environment for the children and the staff. Wired internet is safe. It’s more difficult to implement, but it’s safe. The classes are small, so one cable drop/patch to each room with a small switch for laptop users (if they actually need internet access to take notes). iPad/tablet users would need to download learning/reading materials ahead of time and use their devices in airplane mode as much as possible. You could have a wifi router available to be turned on for downloads and then disabled.  Just some ideas.

In today’s world with cell towers and wifi popping up everywhere, it’s almost impossible to avoid. However, with some effort, exposure can be reduced. ANY reduction in EMF exposure is worth the effort. We’re all going to die sometime, but I think most people would choose to prevent possible disease for themselves and  their children. Should you trust the safety of your children to industry-funded reports and government agencies?
